When Should Your Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

When Should Your Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

When Should Your Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

When Should Your Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

When Should Your Child Have Their First Eye Exam?


As parents, we want to ensure our children are healthy, happy, and thriving. One important but often overlooked aspect of their health is their vision. Clear eyesight plays a significant role in a child’s development, from learning in the classroom to playing with friends.

The Importance of Early Eye Exams

A child’s vision is vital to their physical, cognitive, and social development. From recognizing faces to learning how to read, good eyesight helps them explore and interact with the world. However, children may not always know or be able to express if something is wrong with their vision. This is why early eye exams are critical to detect potential vision problems before they impact your child's learning and quality of life.

When Should the First Eye Exam Be?

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), your child should have their first comprehensive eye exam at 6 months old. While this may seem early, this is the time when the eyes are developing rapidly, and certain conditions can be detected that may not present obvious symptoms. Early detection can prevent more serious issues from developing later on.

After the first exam at six months, the next should occur at age 3, and then again at 5 or 6 years old before they enter kindergarten or first grade. These early school years are crucial because 80% of what a child learns is visual. If vision problems go undetected, it could impact their academic performance, motor skills, and confidence.

Signs Your Child May Need an Eye Exam Sooner

While regular eye exams are recommended based on age, you should also schedule an eye exam if you notice any of the following signs:

•          Squinting or covering one eye

•          Frequent eye rubbing

•          Tilting the head to one side

•          Complaints of headaches or tired eyes

•          Difficulty following objects or focusing

•          Sitting too close to the TV or holding books very close

These could be indicators of common childhood vision issues like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or amblyopia (lazy eye).

What Happens During a Pediatric Eye Exam?

At NewView Family Eyecare, we provide gentle and thorough eye exams designed to make children feel comfortable. During the exam, we’ll evaluate your child’s eye health and visual acuity using age-appropriate techniques, such as lights and shapes for younger children and reading charts for older kids.

We’ll also assess how well their eyes work together (binocular vision) and check for any signs of eye diseases, even if your child isn’t showing symptoms. Early detection allows for more effective treatments, ensuring your child’s vision develops properly.

Preparing Your Child for Their First Eye Exam

To make the experience more comfortable for your child, explain what will happen during the exam in a simple, reassuring way. Let them know that the doctor will ask them to look at pictures, lights, or read letters, and nothing will hurt. Bringing their favorite toy or book can help them feel at ease.

Schedule an Eye Exam with NewView Family Eyecare Today!

Your child’s eyesight is key to their overall development. Scheduling their first eye exam early, and following up with regular exams, can help detect any issues before they interfere with their ability to see, learn, and explore the world around them. At NewView Family Eyecare, we are committed to ensuring your child has healthy eyes and clear vision for years to come.

If your child is due for their first eye exam, contact NewView Family Eyecare at our office in Waterloo, Iowa, by calling (319) 236-2020 to schedule an appointment today.

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